來自趨勢科技旗下的子公司-訊勢科技,是全球化的通訊技術資安領導品牌。除了傳承趨勢科技三十多年資訊技術(IT)安全之經驗,更跨越了通訊技術(CT)領域的鴻溝,以專用資源全力投入企業專網與新世代無線通訊技術資安解決方案。訊勢科技協助企業結合 IT 與 CT 技術進行數位轉型,以確保企業的市場領先地位。
Wireless Connection, Boundless Protection.
New Project Show Time!
CTOne, a global cybersecurity leader in communication technology/ a subsidiary of Trend Micro, with over 30 years of experience in information technology (IT) security inherited from Trend Micro, CTOne bridges the communication technology (CT) gap by dedicating resources to the development of enterprise cybersecurity. CTOne helps enterprises integrate IT and CT technologies for digital transformation, to ensure to keep enterprises at the forefront of the market.