

TOSI 專訪:鄭旻加 Jillian Cheng

瑞致集團亞洲區董事合夥人, CEO & Partner in Asia

瑞致品牌TAIPEI 董事合夥人 Jillian,接受瑞士商務辦事處(Trade Office of Swiss Industries)專訪,分享她對台灣市場與品牌設計產業的觀察。訪談內容如下:






台灣中小企業是促進台灣經濟蓬勃成長的中堅動能。藉由彈性靈活的策略與營運佈局,中小企業發展出一條龍的產業型態,為 IT 產業提供整合解決方案。瑞士企業多為家族經營,長久以來樹立明確的組織架構,重視制度傳承,以誠信與品質為本,凡事力求完美。


以品牌與設計產業來看,人工智慧(AI)的導入將簡化工作流程,提升個人的生產力。現在的員工必須具備跨域多元的專業技能,才能為企業客戶制定完善的解決方案。分析客戶端的發展,我認為企業併購會日益普遍,特別是在 IT 和醫療產業,以因應產業型態的整合發展。迎接 AI 新時代,各行各業都必須積極行動,以維持領先優勢。

In the interview below, Jillian Cheng, CEO & Partner in Asia at Vetica TAIPEI, shares her observations of the Taiwanese market and more with Trade Office of Swiss Industries.

What does your business do in Taiwan?

Vetica TAIPEI, the Asian brand consultancy team of the Switzerland-based Vetica Group, specializes in brand strategy, brand design, and CIS design. We believe design is a vital business tool. With a functionality and solution-driven approach, we help businesses create success formulas. Our deep understanding of the Taiwan market ensures that clients’ brand promises align with what their audience truly values, in turn benefiting more people.

What is, based on your observation, unique about the Taiwanese market?

A high level of education, the diligence, reliability, and friendliness of the people, a solid manufacturing base, and a significant role in the global technology industry are the strengths that led our founder to establish a presence in Taiwan 18 years ago. This began our branding journey with Microlife, a global leader in healthcare devices.

What is the difference between the business culture in Taiwan and Switzerland?

In Taiwan, SMEs have contributed significantly to Taiwan’s economic prosperity. Through their strategic agility and operational flexibility, they have developed integrated ecosystems, thereby providing comprehensive solutions to the IT industry. In contrast, Switzerland is characterized by family-run businesses, boasting a long-standing hierarchical structure that prioritizes trustworthiness, quality assurance, and the pursuit of perfection.

Where do you see your business in five years?

In the branding and design industry, AI will streamline individual tasks, enabling people to accomplish more. Employees thus need to be multi-skilled to develop comprehensive solutions. For the businesses we serve, mergers and acquisitions are expected to increase, particularly in the IT and healthcare industries, as building integrated ecosystems becomes essential. Overall, taking proactive measures is crucial to stay ahead in the new AI era.