2021-05-01 Claire got selected to pursue a Master of Design at the University of Washington as a Fulbright Scholar! 2020-04-02 Jan-Erik Baars has been a member of the Vetica Group board of directors since 1 March 2020. Due to his many years of experience as a designer, design... 2020-03-02 The CONVID-19 virus continues to spread and, after Asia, now has all of Europe firmly under control. The safety of our employees, customers,... 2020-02-02 The design company madetostay strives to create long-lasting design classics, which convince through their timeless and simple design. Vetica created... 2020-01-02 On the occasion of the largest Swiss construction trade fair SWISSBAU 2020, VETICA again presented numerous highlights for our customers such as... 2019-10-02 Vetica was part of the Taipei International Design Award 2019. Our CEO Peter Wirz shared his toughts about real design leadership on the TIDA-Stage in... 2019-07-02 Hello adrenalin! The Vetica Team Event took us to the Europapark this year. 2019-04-02 Better, faster, further with Vetica. The Terra HP charging station from ABB charges the battery of an electric car in just 15 minutes. 2019-04-02 Together with Staufen Inova and Cleantech 21, Vetica celebrated the opening of its new location in the heart of Zurich last week. 2019-03-02 DUSCHOLUX breaks new ground with the complete rebranding by Vetica and presents itself today for the first time in a new look at the ISH in Frankfurt. 2018-06-02 華廣Bionime董事長黃椿木先生Mr. Roy Huang(以下簡稱:R)與瑞致Vetica(以下簡稱:V)分享人生與經營理念。 2018-03-01 The "Salone del Mobile" in Milan opens its doors again in April. Our customers Laufen and Arwa show the latest trends for the bathroom and kitchen.... 2018-01-02 Swissbau瑞士巴塞爾國際建材展,是歐洲建築產業最大的商展之一。今年由瑞致團隊提供設計服務的衛浴設備產業客戶如LAUFEN, Bodenschatz, Schmidlin, LaPreva皆共襄盛舉。 2017-12-28 The Vetica Branding Design Seminar was successfully held in Taipei on December 15,2017. 2017-11-02 全球規模最大的工業設計大展「深圳國際工業設計大展」將於11/5(日)至11/7(二)在深圳會展中心2號館隆重登場。本次大展主題「全球智造 • 設計未來」體現當今最新工業設計與科技反應人類生活型態改變的應用。展覽內容聚焦智能硬體、穿戴式裝置、機器人、虛擬實境、智慧生活等領域的最新設計與技術,全數將於此一國際級工業設計交流盛事期間全面綻放。 2017-11-01 「天母綠未來」是一個創立於2017年的社區共善組織,由天母社區居民主動發起,以人文關懷、綠色療癒、環境共好為己任,藉由培訓社區綠色大使,集合眾人力量,營造綠色自然的療癒花園。Vetica瑞致團隊接受委託,將社區居民對於環境關懷的共識,化為識別形象,並作為組織的精神象徵。想知道最新消息嗎? 與瑞致的全球觀點同步。
Congratulations to our design consultant Claire Weizenegger!
New member of the board – Prof. Jan-Erik Baars
We are here for you
Swissbau 2020 回顧: Vetica瑞致亮點
Team Event 2019
Vetica 瑞致成立蘇黎世辦公室
與瑞致設計團隊共同為使用者打造高品質的 照護體驗,是相當值得的。