

瑞致品牌近期探索再生醫療新領域,與血小板凍晶技術領導品牌-思必瑞特生技 Spirit Scientific 合作啟動企業品牌重塑專案。

全新專案即將公開完整內容,敬請期待 !歡迎追蹤瑞致品牌的 LinkedInInstagram,掌握第一手更新消息!


New project launching soon!

Vetica TAIPEI has recently embarked on an exciting journey into the field of regenerative medicine. We partnered with Spirit Scientific, a leader in Platelet Lyophilized Technology (PLT) and precision regenerative medicine, on a corporate rebranding mission.

The full case study will be revealed soon, and it will be worth the wait! Stay tuned on LinkedIn and Instagram for the latest updates.

View all projects here: https://www.vetica-group.com/projects/