
瑞致人物:李威 James Lee

瑞致人物:李威 James Lee

-瑞致品牌設計師 Vetica Taipei, Brand Designer


李威 (James Lee) 擁有美術背景,奠定藝術創作紮實基礎。大學就讀視覺傳達設計學系,培養跨領域整合的設計能力。大三即確定朝品牌設計領域鑽研,畢業後累積多年實務經驗,於 2024 年加入瑞致品牌台北團隊,擔任品牌設計師。

James 具備從品牌顧問與策略分析,至品牌設計及平面與數位應用的全方位專業知識,擅長透過品牌定位與品牌故事等基礎內容,傳遞企業獨特優勢,並結合品牌識別、商業包裝與空間軟裝等整體設計規劃,為客戶創造連貫且深入人心的品牌體驗。

他曾與 B2B 企業品牌與 B2C 消費品牌客戶合作,產業橫跨生技醫療、食品餐飲、民生用品、教育機構、時裝及旅宿等,代表案例包含百仕可、伯朗咖啡、德克士、倍潔雅、WEMUG、無界塾與林果良品。他精準洞察不同市場與各年齡層消費族群的需求,運用靈活的思維和多元媒材,讓品牌形象躍然紙上,同時在所有接觸點保持一致。

James 認為「設計是具有影響力的溝通藝術」,深刻體認到品牌設計不僅僅是視覺的呈現,更是品牌價值與理念的傳遞。從深入理解客戶的核心精神開始,他致力運用品牌策略與設計思維,將其轉化為具影響力的視覺語言和體驗,持續拉近品牌與消費者之間的距離,鞏固品牌長期發展優勢。

With a background in fine arts, James Lee has developed strong expertise in artistic creation. He majored in Visual Communication Design in college, where he expanded his approach across disciplines. His interest in brand design began during his junior year, and he has since accumulated years of practical experience. In 2024, he joined the Vetica TAIPEI team as a Brand Designer.

James possesses comprehensive expertise, spanning brand consulting, strategic analysis, brand design, and multi-medium applications. His strengths lie in conveying a brand’s unique advantages through strategic brand positioning and storytelling. By offering comprehensive brand design solutions—including brand identity, commercial packaging, and interior design—he creates cohesive and impactful brand experiences.

He collaborated with both B2B and B2C clients across various industries, including biotechnology, food and beverage, consumer goods, education, fashion, and hospitality. Brands he worked with include BOSCOGEN, Mr. Brown Coffee, Dicos, and WEMUG. With a keen understanding of diverse markets and consumer needs, James incorporates flexible thinking and diverse design tools to bring brand images vividly to life while ensuring consistency across all touchpoints.

James believes that “Design is a powerful art of communication.” This is especially true for brand design, which extends beyond visual appeal to convey a brand’s values and vision. Starting with a deep understanding of a brand’s essence, he transforms brand strategy and design thinking into compelling visual language and brand experiences, ensuring brands remain relevant and appealing for years to come.