
正向力量 成就可能:富邦金控 10+ Years of Successful Partnership

正向力量 成就可能:富邦金控 10+ Years of Successful Partnership

Vetica 瑞致品牌TAIPEI 團隊自2011年起,長期打造富邦金控年報及富邦集團簡介至今,多年來協助富邦傳遞正向力量,並以成為參與推動正向循環的一員,深感榮幸。瑞致規劃富邦品牌形象緊扣「正向力量 成就可能」的品牌理念,將每年度的品牌傳播目標,運用於富邦金控年報及富邦集團簡介等品牌溝通媒介,發展封面主視覺設計與內文編輯設計,並活用品牌形象元素,融合社會期望與企業重大成就,每年皆以嶄新之姿,傳遞品牌深植人心,拓展正向力量的影響力,無遠弗屆,代代流傳。


For over a decade, Vetica TAIPEI has helped Fubon convey its message of positivity, becoming integral to its mission of driving positive change. Each year, we express Fubon’s core philosophy, ”Be positive All possible,“ through cover design and editorial layout of its corporate publications. By utilizing brand elements, our designs showcase Fubon’s achievements and contributions to society, while presenting the brand in a fresh light, thereby extending its positive influence and leaving a lasting legacy for generations to come.

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