



其中,全新識別以集團化的系統規範為核心,重新定義標誌與字體的視覺比例,以強化並統一楠弘集團的形象。中文字體識別保留「楠弘」二字在前,門市名稱二字在後,輔助標語位置則使用楠弘集團英文全名「LAFON GROUP」。英文字體識別統一為大寫「LAFON」,而「A」字體設計概念源自楠弘集團標誌的拋物曲線元素,進一步鞏固楠弘在國際市場的頂級地位。



Branding Secrets: 4 Key Features to Revitalize Lafon’s Visual Identity

Vetica TAIPEI revamped Lafon’s visual features, including the symbol, typeface, colors and sub-graphics, building a timeless corporate image that is always present.

The new identity also redefines the visual proportions of the symbol and the Chinese and English logotypes. In both languages, the symbol is enlarged to become the main visual element, strengthening the unity of the Lafon Group. The Chinese logotype retains the group name “楠弘” at the front, followed by the store name, while the full English name “LAFON GROUP” is placed in the slogan area. The English logotype is standardized to uppercase “LAFON.” Additionally, the design concept of the “A” is derived from the parabolic curve elements of Lafon’s symbol, further solidifying its world-leading position.

The refreshed corporate identity showcases the Group’s unified dedication to the art of living and its eternal gratitude and reverence for the motherland. With every step, Lafon embarks on a new journey with heartfelt warmth that radiates forever.

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