
品牌五官:思必瑞特生技 Spirit Scientific 全新識別的雙重特性

品牌五官:思必瑞特生技 Spirit Scientific 全新識別的雙重特性


全新品牌識別延續品牌英文名稱-Spirit Scientific 首字母「雙 S」的概念,將原本由代表血液的紅藍線條組成的標誌識別(Symbol),重塑為「雙 S」合而為一的全新設計,強調思必瑞特源自科學,以人文本的獨特雙重特性。全新標誌識別的設計平衡對稱,以靜態形式表現動態的再生過程,呼應品牌標語的訴求:「Bring out the best in you 還原最好的你/妳」。

Spirit Scientific 的字體識別 (Logotype) 使用具備信賴、安全、專業的襯線字體;品牌商標色彩則以寶藍色搭配銀灰色組合而成,彰顯品牌的專業優勢,開啟未來無限可能。


Branding Secrets: The Duality of the New Spirit Scientific Identity

The original symbol of Spirit Scientific, inspired by the brand name and core technology, featured double “S” shapes with red and blue lines representing blood vessels. Honoring this origin, Vetica TAIPEI redesigned the identity by merging the double “S” into one, capturing the duality of the brand. The new symbol is symmetrical and balanced, representing both rest and motion, echoing the brand’s mission to “bring out the best in you” through regeneration.

A serif typeface was chosen for the logotype to convey the brand’s reliable, safe, and professional qualities. The new color palette combines deep blue and silver gray, reinforcing the company’s authoritative voice in precision regenerative medicine.

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