品牌五官:勾勒 Earnest Living 品牌輪廓,創造五感共感體驗
品牌體驗是一場連結五感的共感體驗。瑞致品牌團隊針對 Earnest Living 品牌五官進行重塑,融合品牌的優雅風格與自然元素,發展出動靜和諧的標誌識別,以大地米色為基調的品牌色彩,以及典約而現代的襯線字體,詮釋 Earnest Living 伴隨每一次呼吸,與你我同在,令人印象深刻。
點此瀏覽完整專案內容,體驗 Earnest Living 帶來的五感饗宴。
Branding Secrets: Crafting the Five Senses of Earnest Living
A brand experience is a symphony that engages all five senses. The Vetica TAIPEI team reimagined Earnest Living’s brand identity by weaving elegance and nature together. The new logo embodies both sophistication and airiness, paired with a color scheme centered around an earthy beige palette and a classic yet modern serif typeface. The design tells the story of Earnest Living being naturally present with every breath, leaving a lasting impression on consumers.
Click here to view the full portfolio and immerse yourself in the sensory experience of Earnest Living.