
品牌大使:Earnest Living 用心生活的實踐者

品牌大使:Earnest Living 用心生活的實踐者

瑞致品牌傾全力協助 Earnest Living 完成別開生面的品牌重塑任務。過程中,不僅凝聚團隊共識,喚起每個人對品牌最美好的嚮往,亦精準萃取品牌精神,從視覺元素、文字內容到體驗層面,在所有接觸點建立一致而連貫的 Earnest Living 品牌世界。

更重要的是,協助每位成員意識到成為品牌大使的新身份與責任,思考如何實踐 Earnest Living「用心生活」的承諾,如何盡一己之力,將真誠、優雅與療癒的品牌價值,融入每一處細節,讓更多人在每次呼吸之間,從容享受生命的每一天。

點此回顧完整專案內容,重溫 Earnest Living 品牌的感動時刻。

Brand Ambassador: Live Your Brand, in Earnest

Vetica TAIPEI dedicated its full efforts to helping Earnest Living achieve a truly distinctive rebranding journey. Throughout this process, we united the team under a shared vision and inspired everyone to see the brand’s potential while precisely embodying its essence. From now on, Earnest Living will be expressed consistently across every touchpoint—whether visual, verbal, or experiential.

More importantly, each team member was guided to embrace their new roles and responsibilities as brand ambassadors. They were encouraged to uphold Earnest Living’s promise and integrate the values of genuine, elegant, and healing into every detail, thereby enabling consumers to savor the beauty of life, one breath at a time.

Explore the full project and relive the heartfelt moments of the Earnest Living brand.